
Service-Learning in Asia: Curricular Models and Practices

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  • Service-Learning in Asia: Curricular Models and Practices

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      Service-learning is a form of experiential education that combines academic study with community service. Learning occurs as students work with others through applying their academic knowledge to community needs and at the same time, reflecting on their experience and the real-world relevance of their skills. Service-Learning in Asia: Curricular Models and Practices describes the development of service-learning in Asia around three themes: service-learning and indigenous traditions; service-learning and social justice education; and service-learning and multicultural education.
    The essays in this collection are multi-disciplinary, ranging from the field of social work to business. The discussions are also comprehensive, covering every dimension of service-learning from curricular designs to learning outcome assessment.


      Jun Xing is a professor and chair of ethnic studies at Oregon State University. His previous publications include Baptized in the Fire of Revolution (1996), Asian America through the Lens (1998), Reversing the Lens (2003), Teaching for Change (2006), and Seeing Color (2007).

      Carol Hok Ka Ma is assistant director of the Office of Service-Learning and an adjunct assistant professor in the Department of Sociology and Social Policy at Lingnan University, Hong Kong.


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