
Desiring Hong Kong, Consuming South China: Transborder Cultural Politics, 1970-2010

Desiring Hong Kong, Consuming South China: Transborder Cultural Politics, 1970-2010網路熱賣

Desiring Hong Kong, Consuming South China: Transborder Cultural Politics, 1970-2010網友評鑑4顆星

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  • 定價:722

  • Desiring Hong Kong, Consuming South China: Transborder Cultural Politics, 1970-2010

    如果您還想深入了解Desiring Hong Kong, Consuming South China: Transborder Cultural Politics, 1970-2010


      Desiring Hong Kong, Consuming South China is a study of the complex and changing cultural patterns in Hong Kong's relationship with the neighbouring mainland. From interviews, TV dramas, media representations and other sources, Eric Ma traces the fading of Hong Kong's once-influential position as a role model for less-developed mainland cities and explores changing perceptions as China grows in confidence.

      The first part (Desiring Hong Kong) examines the history of cross-border relations and movements from the 1970s, focusing on Hong Kong as an object of desire for people in South China. The second part (Consuming South China) moves to the turn of the century when, despite increased communications and a 'disappearing border', Hong Kong is no longer a powerful role model; it nevertheless continues to be an important link in the chain of global capitalism stretching across southern China.

      The book will be of interest to scholars and students in cultural studies, political science, sociology and cultural geography.


      Eric Kit-wai Ma is professor of journalism and communication at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.


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