Derbidae of Taiwan(Homoptera:Fulgoroidea)

Derbidae of Taiwan(Homoptera:Fulgoroidea)限時特價

Derbidae of Taiwan(Homoptera:Fulgoroidea)網友評鑑4.5顆星



  • 定價:235
  • 優惠價:9212
  • 本商品單次購買10本8折188

  • Derbidae of Taiwan(Homoptera:Fulgoroidea)

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    內容簡介 From 1984, the first author and his sudents began to collect Fulgoroidea of Taiwan, in 1987 the authors formally dealt with the family Derbidae of Taiwan. It is a surprise to find that more than hundred species including known species can be discriminated, this total number is about severteen percent of over world record(745)according to Synave(1973).the authors believe that their collection is not intensive because the frigile body and small size are not to be loved by the most collectors and the collecting ability of the first author after 1987.


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